Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science:eISSN 2384-4272 pISSN 2384-4353

Table. 5.

Differences in oral function problem according to mental health

Mental health Chewing difficulty χ2 (P)
No (N, %) Yes (N, %)
Stress Low 2,131 (83.8) 413 (16.2) 11.738 (0.001)
High 768 (78.9) 206 (21.1)
Depression None 2,415 (84.0) 461 (16.0) 29.412 (< 0.001)
Mild 365 (76.7) 111 (23.3)
Moderate 80 (73.4) 29 (26.6)
Moderate severe 39 (68.4) 18 (31.6)
Anxiety None 2,407 (83.6) 471 (16.4) 21.553 (< 0.001)
Mild 352 (78.7) 95 (21.3)
Moderate 103 (74.6) 35 (25.4)
Severe 37 (67.3) 18 (32.7)
Mental health Phonation difficulty χ2 (P)
No (N, %) Yes (N, %)
Stress Low 2,288 (89.9) 256 (10.1) 10.282 (0.002)
High 839 (86.1) 135 (13.9)
Depression None 2,586 (89.9) 290 (10.1) 28.568 (< 0.001)
Mild 411 (86.3) 65 (13.7)
Moderate 89 (81.7) 20 (18.3)
Moderate severe 41 (71.9) 16 (28.1)
Anxiety None 2,583 (89.7) 295 (10.3) 28.722 (< 0.001)
Mild 394 (88.1) 53 (11.9)
Moderate 110 (79.7) 28 (20.3)
Severe 40 (72.7) 15 (27.3)
Mental health Tooth pain χ2 (P)
No (N, %) Yes (N, %)
Stress Low 1,836 (72.2) 708 (27.8) 6.043 (0.014)
High 662 (68.0) 312 (32.0)
Depression None 2,097 (72.9) 779 (27.1) 34.368 (< 0.001)
Mild 308 (64.7) 168 (35.3)
Moderate 65 (59.6) 44 (40.4)
Moderate severe 28 (49.1) 29 (50.9)
Anxiety None 2,090 (72.6) 788 (27.4) 20.716 (< 0.001)
Mild 284 (63.5) 163 (36.5)
Moderate 91 (65.9) 47 (34.1)
Severe 33 (60.0) 22 (40.0)
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2024;40:212-24
© 2024 J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci