Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science:eISSN 2384-4272 pISSN 2384-4353

Table. 3.

Differences in phonation difficulty according to general characteristics

Phonation difficulty χ2 (P)
No (N, %) Yes (N, %)
Gender Male 1,525 (86.4) 241 (13.6) 23.020 (< 0.001)
Female 1,602 (91.4) 150 (8.6)
Age group 20 - 39 957 (95.7) 43 (4.3) 209.351 (< 0.001)
40 - 64 1,686 (90.6) 174 (9.4)
65 - 80 484 (73.6) 174 (26.4)
Income Low 737 (84.4) 136 (15.6) 36.573 (< 0.001)
Middle-low 744 (87.9) 102 (12.1)
Middle-high 801 (89.7) 92 (10.3)
High 845 (93.3) 61 (6.7)
Education level Elementary school 278 (70.7) 115 (29.3) 247.027 (< 0.001)
Middle school 195 (74.7) 66 (25.3)
High school 1,092 (89.5) 128 (10.5)
≥ College 1,562 (95.0) 82 (5.0)
Economic activities Yes 2,101 (90.8) 214 (9.2) 23.969 (< 0.001)
No 1,026 (85.3) 177 (14.7)
Drinking Non-drinker 1,362 (88.4) 179 (11.6) 0.698 (0.418)
Drinker 1,765 (89.3) 212 (10.7)
Smoking Non-smoker 2,627 (89.6) 306 (10.4) 8.287 (0.005)
Smoker 500 (85.5) 85 (14.5)
Health level Good 1,153 (93.9) 75 (6.1) 114.383 (< 0.001)
Normal 1,469 (89.6) 171 (10.4)
Bad 505 (77.7) 145 (22.3)
Oral health level Good 612 (95.6) 28 (4.4) 199.631 (< 0.001)
Normal 1,620 (93.5) 113 (6.5)
Bad 895 (78.2) 250 (21.8)
Hypertension None 2,303 (91.7) 209 (8.3) 69.426 (< 0.001)
Risk 824 (81.9) 182 (18.1)
Diabetes None 2,766 (90.3) 298 (9.7) 46.330 (< 0.001)
Risk 361 (79.5) 92 (20.5)
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2024;40:212-24
© 2024 J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci