Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science:eISSN 2384-4272 pISSN 2384-4353

Table. 2.

Differences in chewing difficulty according to general characteristics

Chewing difficulty χ2 (P)
No (N, %) Yes (N, %)
Gender Male 1,405 (79.6) 361 (20.4) 19.816 (< 0.001)
Female 1,494 (85.3) 258 (14.7)
Age group 20 - 39 927 (92.7) 73 (7.3) 195.968 (< 0.001)
40 - 64 1,538 (82.7) 322 (17.3)
65 - 80 434 (66.0) 224 (34.0)
Income Low 671 (76.9) 202 (23.1) 31.950 (< 0.001)
Middle-low 697 (82.4) 149 (17.6)
Middle-high 743 (83.2) 150 (16.8)
High 788 (87.0) 118 (13.0)
Education level Elementary school 231 (58.8) 162 (41.2) 235.751 (< 0.001)
Middle school 182 (69.7) 79 (30.3)
High school 1,017 (83.4) 203 (16.6)
≥ College 1,469 (89.4) 175 (10.6)
Economic activities Yes 1,950 (84.2) 365 (15.8) 15.611 (< 0.001)
No 949 (78.9) 254 (21.1)
Drinking Non-drinker 1,245 (80.8) 296 (19.2) 4.921 (0.029)
Drinker 1,654 (83.7) 323 (16.3)
Smoking Non-smoker 2,451 (83.6) 482 (16.4) 16.412 (< 0.001)
Smoker 448 (76.6) 137 (23.4)
Health level Good 1,088 (88.6) 140 (11.4) 114.542 (< 0.001)
Normal 1,363 (83.1) 277 (16.9)
Bad 448 (68.9) 202 (31.1)
Oral health level Good 596 (93.1) 44 (6.9) 424.032 (< 0.001)
Normal 1,577 (91.0) 156 (9.0)
Bad 726 (63.4) 419 (36.6)
Hypertension None 2,143 (85.3) 369 (14.7) 51.154 (< 0.001)
Risk 756 (75.1) 250 (24.9)
Diabetes None 2,578 (84.1) 486 (15.9) 49.213 (< 0.001)
Risk 321 (70.7) 133 (29.3)
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2024;40:212-24
© 2024 J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci