Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science:eISSN 2384-4272 pISSN 2384-4353

Table. 1.

General characteristics, mental health and oral function problem

N (3,518) %
Gender Male 1,766 50.2
Female 1,752 49.8
Age group 20 - 39 1,000 28.4
40 - 64 1,860 52.9
65 - 80 658 18.7
Income Low 873 24.8
Middle-low 846 24.0
Middle-high 893 25.4
High 906 25.8
Education level Elementary school 393 11.2
Middle school 261 7.4
High school 1,220 34.7
≥ College 1,644 46.7
Economic activities Yes 2,315 65.8
No 1,203 34.2
Drinking Non-drinker 1,541 43.8
Drinker 1,977 56.2
Smoking Non-smoker 2,933 83.4
Smoker 585 16.6
Health level Good 1,228 34.9
Normal 1,640 46.6
Bad 650 18.5
Oral health level Good 640 18.2
Normal 1,733 49.3
Bad 1,145 32.5
Hypertension None 2,512 71.4
Risk 1,006 28.6
Diabetes None 3,064 87.1
Risk 454 12.9
Stress Low 2,544 72.3
High 974 27.7
Depression None 2,876 81.8
Mild 476 13.5
Moderate 109 3.1
Moderate severe 57 1.6
Anxiety None 2,878 81.8
Mild 447 12.7
Moderate 138 3.9
Severe 55 1.6
Chewing difficulty None 2,899 82.4
Risk 619 17.6
Phonation None 3,127 88.9
Risk 391 11.1
Tooth pain No 2,498 71.0
Yes 1,020 29.0
J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2024;40:212-24
© 2024 J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci