Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science:eISSN 2384-4272 pISSN 2384-4353

Table. 1.

Comparison of the marginal and internal fit of 3-unit monolithic zirconia FPDs fabricated via solid working casts and working casts with removable dies

Measurement region Tooth type Group Mean SD P
Overall Premolar and molar S 65.1 4.9 0.005*
RD 84.1 14.2
Premolar S 65.9 9.8 0.01*
RD 79.5 15.0
Molar S 64.1 4.0 0.003*
RD 85.2 18.3
Marginal gap Premolar and molar S 90.1 3.9 0.038*
RD 97.0 9.0
Premolar S 96.4 7.4 0.161
RD 106.3 18.2
Molar S 86.8 3.2 0.195
RD 92.5 7.9
Axial gap Premolar and molar S 56.5 8.9 0.195
RD 65.2 13.4
Premolar S 57.4 13.4 0.195
RD 68.1 18.6
Molar S 53.7 6.8 0.195
RD 60.3 10.4
Occlusal gap Premolar and molar S 56.9 6.9 0.002*
RD 87.6 21.4
Premolar S 50.1 13.9 0.021*
RD 72.2 25.0
Molar S 58.3 6.4 0.002*
RD 90.7 23.8

* Statistical significance of the difference between the solid cast group and the pindex system group (P < 0.05).

FPD, fixed partial denture; RD, working cast with the removable die group; S, solid working cast group.

J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2024;40:72-81
© 2024 J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci