Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science:eISSN 2384-4272 pISSN 2384-4353

Table. 2.

Medical characteristics of dialyzed patients (n = 51)

Variable N %
Hypertension 46 90.2
Diabetes mellitus 20 39.2
Others 5 9.8
Kind of dialysis
Hemodialysis 36 70.6
Peritoneal dialysis 15 29.4
Dialysis vintage (years)
≤ 1 year 13 25.5
1 < and ≤ 5 years 13 25.5
> 5 years 25 49.0
Mean ± SD (range) 4.97 ± 3.73 (0.08 - 14.50)

SD: standard deviation.

J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci 2024;40:46-54
© 2024 J Dent Rehabil Appl Sci